Curriculum Vitae, Prof. Alexander Baklanov


Personal Data

Date of birth:    July 05, 1957.

Office data:       World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

7 bis, Avenue de la Paix, BP2300, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

Home address:  Islevhusvej 76, DK-2700, Bronshoj, Denmark

Phone:                +41 (0)22 730 80 95; Fax:          +41 (0)22 730 80 49

Mobiles:             +41 (0)762531596, +45 5382 6357 (private);

Emails:     ,  



Career / Employment and Positions

01/14-present          Scientific Officer in Research Department, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

11/11-present           Affiliated Professor  at Niels Bohr Institute of University of Copenhagen (see his inaugural lecture)

01/07-07/12             Vice-director of Danish Strategic Research Center for Energy, Environment & Health (CEEH)

08/98-01/18             Senior scientist at Danish Meteorological Institute, Research Department (on leave to WMO until Jan 2018).

01/94-07/98             Visiting scholar, project scientist at Atmospheric Physics group of Swedish Defence Research Establishment (FOA) and University of Umeå, Umeå, Sweden.

06/95-04/96             Research scholar at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria (Radiation Safety of the Biosphere Project).

01/89-01/94             Head of Department of Mathematical Modeling of the Environment at Institute of Northern Environmental Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia.

01/90-01/94             Director of International Environmental Information Center Econord.

08/79-01/89           PhD-student, young scientist, scientist, senior scientist at Novosibirsk State University, Computing Centre of Siberian Division, Kola Science Center, USSR Academy of Sciences.


Education and Grades

2012 (June)               Valid Member (Academician) of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (IEAS)

2011 (November)    Honour Professor in Integrated dynamic/chemical modelling of the University of Copenhagen

2008 (November)    Professor in Meteorology (The Highest Attestation Commission, Ministry of Education and Science, Moscow, Russia)

1998 (October)         Dr. Scient. in Physics & Mathematics (Meteorology and Climatology) (Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St.-Petersburg)

1996 (Septem.)      Senior research fellow in Atmosphere and Hydrosphere Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)

1988 (October)         Senior research fellow in Mathematical Methods in Environmental Sciences (Kola Science Center of USSR Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia)

1983 (March)           PhD. in Physics & Mathematics (Math. Methods in Geophysics) (Novosibirsk Computing Center, USSR Academy of Sciences)

1979 (July)             MSc. in Physics (Yaroslavl State University/Novosibirsk State University, USSR)


Research Profile

Seamless Coupled Earth System modelling; Integrated modeling for meteorological and chemical weather prediction; Megacities, air quality and climate interaction; Boundary layer meteorological processes; Mesoscale meteorology, numerical weather prediction and chemical weather forecasting; Microscale / urban meteorology and climatology; Atmospheric long-range transport and aerosol dynamics modelling; Emergency preparedness, environmental impact and risk assessments.


Coordination of and Participation in International Research Projects (since 2000)

- 4FP EC projects: ‘SFINCS: Surface Fluxes in Climate System’ (1998-2001),‘RTMOD: real-time model inter-comparisons’ (1998-2001), NorFA/NARP project ArcticRisk: ‘Atmospheric Transport Pathways, Vulnerability and Possible Accidental Consequences from Nuclear Risk Sites in European Arctic’ (2001-2003, project leader), COST-715: WG2 ‘Mixing heights and surface energy budgets’ (1998-2004),

- 5FP EC projects: ‘ENSEMBLE: Methods to Reconcile Disparate National Forecasts of Medium and Long Range Dispersion’ (2000-2003), ‘ELCID: Evaluation of Climatic Impact of Dimethyl Sulphide’ (2000-2003), ‘FUMAPEX: Integrated Systems for Forecasting Urban Meteorology, Air Pollution and Population Exposure’ (2002-2005, project leader),

- 6FP EC projects: ‘EnviroRISKS: Man-induced Environmental Risks: Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia’ (2005-2008, project leader),  GEMS: Global and regional Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ data (2005-2009),

- 7FP EC projects ‘MEGAPOLI: Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric POLlution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation’ (2008-2011, project leader), ‘MACC: Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate’ (2009-2011, WP leader), ‘PEGASOS: Pan-European Gas-AeroSol-climate interaction Study’ (2010-2014), ‘PBL-PMES: Atmospheric Planetary Boundary Layers: Physics, Modelling and Role in Earth System’ (2008-2013), ‘TRANSPHORM: Transport related Air Pollution and Health impacts’ (2010-2014, WP leader).



-          Head of Department of Mathematical Modeling of the Environment at Institute of Northern Environmental Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia (1988-1994).

-          Director of International Environmental Information Center Econord, Apatity, Russia (1988-1994).

-          PI or project leader for 18 national and bilateral (with USA, UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland) research projects of USSR/Russian Academy of Science.

-          PI of international projects ‘Origins of Arctic Haze’, KOLANET, ‘Arctic Risk’.

-          Project leader/co-ordinator of EC FP RTD projects: FP5 FUMAPEX (2002-2005), FP6 EnviroRISKS (2005-2008), FP7 MEGAPOLI (2008-2011).

-          Leader / national representative at COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) programs: Action 715 ‘Urban Meteorology’ (1998-2004), Action 728 ‘Meso-Meteorology’ (2004-2009, vice-chairman), Action 732 ‘Micro-Meteorology’ (2005-2009), Action ES0602 ‘Chemical weather’ (2008-2011), Action ES1004 ‘EuMetChem’ (2011-2015, chairman).

-          Vice-director of Danish Strategic Research Center for Energy, Environment and Health (CEEH) (2007-2012).

-          Leader of the special ECMWF project ‘EnviroChemistry on ECMWF’ (2012-2014).

-          Chairman of the COST Action ES1004 ’European Framework for Online Integrated Air Quality and Meteorology Modelling (EuMetChem)’ (2011-2015), which includes organizations from 23 European countries, USA, Russia, Canada, as well as WMO, ECMWF, EC JRC, etc. (


Teaching and Supervision

-          Supervisor/co-supervisor of 12 PhD students (10 are successfully defended) and many BS or MSc students.

-          Visiting professor at the University of Nottingham, UK (2007),

-          Visiting professor of the University of Hertfordshire, UK (2008-2016),

-          Professor of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), St.-Petersburg (since 2008).

-          Adjoint professor in Integrated dynamic/chemical modelling at the University of Copenhagen.

-          Courses on integrated meteorology-chemistry modeling, urban meteorology and boundary layers, atmospheric physics, numerical and environment modeling, aerosol dynamics, etc.

-          Organizer/co-director of summer schools for Integrated Meteorology-chemistry modelling (2008, 2011, 2014).

-          WMO training schools and courses on Urban Meteorology, Climate and Air Pollution (2015- 2017).


Organization of Conferences and Schools

-          Organizer and chairman of international scientific conferences and young scientists schools «Integrated Modelling of Meteorological and Chemical Transport Processes / Impact of Chemical Weather on Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling» (2008 in St-Petersburg, Russia, 2011 in Odessa, Ukraine, and 2014, Aveiro, Portugal).

-          Chairman of international symposium «Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and global atmospheric pollution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation», September 2011, Paris, France.

-          Co-director and organizer of NATO Advanced Research Workshops: ‘Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Modelling and Applications for Environmental Security’, Croatia (2006).

-          Organizer and chairman of international scientific seminar COST-NetFAM ‘Integrated Meso-Meteorological and Chemical Transport Modelling’, Copenhagen (2007).

-          Co-director and organizer of WMO Conference ‘Mesoscale modelling for air pollution applications - achievements and challenges’, Geneva (2010).

-          Chairman of annual sessions of European Geophysical Union (EGU): ‘Seamless coupled modelling of the dynamics and chemistry of the atmosphere, ocean and land’, ‘Integrated physical and chemical weather modelling with two-way interactions’ и ’Megacities: Air Quality and Climate Impacts from Local to Global Scales’, Vienna, since 2008.

-          Co-chair of session ‘Environmental Meteorology’ on Annual Meetings of European Meteorological Society (EMS), since 2005.

-          Co-chair of the World Weather Open Science Conference (WWOSC) session ‘Atmospheric and oceanic composition (processes, physics, modelling)’ (2014).

-          Initiator and chair of Symposium on ‘Coupled Chemistry-Meteorology/Climate Modelling: Status and relevance for numerical weather prediction, atmospheric pollution and climate research’ (2015).

-          Member of program and organizational committees, sessions chair on more than 30 international conferences and workshops.


Participations in International Bodies

-          WMO representative in UN and international programmes: GESAMP, GEIA, AMAP, WWRP and GAW programs: SDS-WAS, GAW Aerosol, Precipitation chemistry, GURME, Polar Prediction Project, etc.

-          Member of WMO Scientific Advisory Group for GURME: GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment (2008-2014); 

-          Member of International Commission for Polar Meteorology (since 2003);

-          Board Member of International Association of Urban Climate (IAUC, since 2013);

-          Member of the Eurasian Academy of Sciences (since 2012);

-          Member of proposal evaluation panels of EC DG Research FPs and ERC, US NSF, NASA, etc.

-          Board Member of the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) global-change research programme;

-          Member of EC Expert Group and co-author of European Union Air Policy Review.


Editorial and Scientific Per-review Activities

-          Editor in chief of Urban Climate journal (Elsevier) (

-          Associated Editor of Environmental Modelling and Assessment journal (Springer).

-          Member of Editorial Board in Atmospheric Research, Meteorology and Open Atmospheric Science, Geography and Environmental Sustainability journals.

-          Initiator and co-editor in chief of science-popular environmental journal ECONORD, published in cooperation with Nordic countries on Russian, Scandinavian and English languages (1991-2002).


Awards and Honorary Titles

-          Honorary Professor of the University of Copenhagen,

-          Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences,

-          Silver medal of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences,

-          Silver medal of USSR National Economy Achievement Exhibition,

-          Diplomas and honorary certificate of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

-          Gold Medal of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.