Dianka - 1 Year

The shortest and most saturated year of our lives has passed – our big girl has turned one year old.

It is almost unbelievable!

This year was so different from the years when Dennis and Nikita were born.

With Dennis especially the first 3 months lasted endless – he was crying of colic, I had to attend lections at the University and we were inexperienced new-baked parents and often got panicked.

With time we gained confidence, but because I didn’t take a year off, the first year with Dennis was very difficult.

With Nikita I was at home and could in general enjoy my baby, but … Nikita was born in the worst period of ‘perestrojka’, where it was necessary to stay in queue for hours to buy something to eat.

Also practical things were not organised at that time – with Dennis we even didn’t have washing machine and spent evenings on hand-washing his numerous dippers (besides doing lections). With Nikita we already had a one-room apartment and even washing machine, but it was necessary to rinse afterwards.

Now I think back with disappointment – how awfully my young years were spent. I should enjoy my kids more…

With Diana everything was very different – very much positively charged, first of all because we all wanted a baby so badly after our lost. We really enjoyed every single moment with her. When the first half-a-year passed and it was time to go back to work, I was almost taken by a surprise – it went too quickly!

First 3 months went like one day! And she was growing like in a heritage - from day to day. Our big house, garden, washing machine, baby-food and pampers made it very pleasant to take care of a baby. Plus she was a very easy baby – always smiling and at a good mood.

And she was so quick to learn: she crawls and walks, she eats with spoon almost by herself and drinks of her cup. Nowadays she prefers ‘adult’ food before the tasteless baby-food. Her favourite is soup and salted cucumber.

She plays with her toys as well as she plays with computer equipment and kitchen staff with even a greater enthusiasm. We are not very happy for her interest in electrical tools – but we joke that she will be computer engineer. Since recently she likes to write and goes around with a pen and paper (demanding to write: Diana is 1 y.o.). She likes to read books and is willing to listen even books without pictures (sometimes we joke that we can read a textbook on differential equations for her – she will be equally happy). Sometimes she examines a page very carefully – probably she tries to realise how one reads?

She monkeys us – if I am cleaning in the kitchen – she needs a swamp as well to work next to me (we even bought her a toy kitchen – now she cooks for herself and her playmates). Recently she threw out some lids from my pans. Probably she thinks that they are too old-fashion? Well, maybe.

Diana is not only very helpful little girl, she is a very caring girl. If our cat or Nikita is sleeping on the sofa in the living room, Diana is always around to bring a small cushion under head to make it comfortable (but from outside it looks like if she takes the cushion and strike in their faces).

She likes to play in the garden in her own little house and to take care of our flowers (this is why there is no flowers left below 1 meter – all picked up by our little gardener). Yesterday she fell down with her face against soil while helping me).

By one year her grandmother taught her to answer that she is one year old and to show one finger. But if one asks her how old her mum and dad are, she also answers – one year (Maybe she thinks that we all came together? ). No objection – we don’t want to make our age public, I am even goin to tell her that I am in my 30s.

She knows names of many things (and our names, of course), and understands a lot. Also when she doesn’t understand everything, she can catch a few words and participate in conversation – sometimes irrelevantly (but very funny).

In other words, she is getting more and more interesting and we all appreciate her company very much.

And at last but not least we’d like to thank our grandmothers who came from Russia in turn to take care of Diana despite many obstacles and did it with great love and devotion. Both were so unhappy when it was time to leave and both promised to come back as soon as possible.