Diana: Four Months

Dear friends!

I was a lazy mom and missed a 3.5-month letter. Now Diana is 4 months and one week.

She is getting bigger and heavier. At 4 months she was 7.300 kg. By the evening I have pain in my back. She has got a real neck now, before it looked like her head was sitting on her shoulders.

She still sleeps in her cradle (last month, I think), but when she is awake, she is either on someone’s arms, or in her special chair or on the floor on her play-ground.

She sleeps 3 times during day, and always outside. When it is too hot (this summer is said to be the historical warmest), she sleeps in the tree shadow. She has learnt to turn on her belly (when she was week before 4 months), and now sleeps only on her belly.

She has learnt to give the hands when she is asked to. She is happy all the time: she is happy for her toys, but if she has no toy, she gladly plays with her own feet or sucks her fists. She is always with a smile on her face. And she is aware that we are so glad for her, that when she (very seldom) wakes up in the middle of a night, she gives me such a smile, sure that I will be more than happy with her company.

She still likes to sing in duet. When we were in the church on 5 Aug for a special memory ceremony for our Dennis, she sang together with the priest.

She is a little rogue, her look is so roguish – she will be one of the kids, who look at you with an cunning smile and do something prohibited behind their back. From this point of view she reminds Dennis a lot, he was born with that cunning smile. Alexander has read this and said that Diana is an angel and I am lying.

She takes bath very differently now. Now she languidly lies in the bad and lazily plays with her feet. But before and after the bath Alexander makes her ‘jump’ into the water. He lifts her, but not before she pushes off. But she also not passive, she makes all possible pirouettes with her legs and it looks like a baby-ballet all together. Very funny! And both are very happy. But if someone laughs at her, she starts to cry – doesn’t like this.

She also likes to swing in a hammock. She also does it with Alexander, I don’t dare – she is simply too quick and can fall down from it.

Alexander is a fond of her, while he is sitting in a train on his way from work, he always thinks that he’ll return and will hug and fold her in his arms. She is also very glad to see him and smiles at him with her most charming slobbery smile. Yes, she is very slobbery – soon she’ll get first tooth, apparently.

Also she likes to ‘read books’ about pets and animals – no texts, just pictures, and if one get bored it is always possible to gnaw the books. She also tries to catch everything her hands can reach. If we hold her, then she likes to catch my hair or Alexander’s beard.

She starts to say many different sounds that have no correspondence in known-to-us alphabets. Her own language, probably?

I am back to work in 1.5 months and it is now the time to give her some other food – I have to replace 2 breast-feedings to be able to go to work. Alexander is looking forward to take care of her and is apparently very proud of his future mission. Nikita drills him, describing terrible pictures that the house will be a mess with hungry crying Diana, desperate Alexander and Nikita hiding himself in the park on a bench until I return home. But I am sure Alexander will manage just fine.

During his holidays Nikita is working daily, including Sunday. So, they don’t see each other very often. But when it happens she speaks to him, and very different, in a very soft and loving voice. To us she is more commanding (we are service-people after all, while he is for pleasure).

She also visited Sweden 2 times (and behaved perfectly) for the last month. She behaves well in the car in generally, falling asleep almost immediately.

So, you can see, we all love her enormously, for them both – for herself and for Dennis, whom she reminds a lot.

See new the Fourth Month Diana's photo galery here.